Our process starts with healthy, happy parents! All of our parent dogs have great temperaments and undergo not only genetic but physical health testing. A healthy puppy begins with healthy parents. It is important that our parent dogs are the best examples of what a Goldendoodle or Cavapoo should be in order to breed the best puppies.
We give our mamas the best care throughout their pregnancy. From vet visits, extra nutrition, on-call vet services, and more! Our Mamas are well prepared to bring their puppies into the world. As their due date nears, Mama is integrated into her whelping area. At this point they receive daily massages and grooming care. During whelping, our moms receive delivery assistance as needed. We are with them during the whole delivery!
Once the puppies are born, we begin ENS (early neurological stimulation) and ESI (early scent introduction) at 3 days old. This is performed on days 3-16, including gentle handling and daily weights. ENS is known to improve cardiovascular performance, stronger heartbeats, stronger adrenal glands, more tolerance to stress, and greater resistance to disease. ESI improves nose awareness and confidence.
At 3 weeks old we move into a more advanced curriculum with our puppies as set forth by Jeanette Forrey, AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator and author of the nationally recognized "The Ultimate Badass Breeder's Guide". We begin a 10-step puppy massage every day and increase pressure weekly. We use our 10 step handling exercises to ensure our puppies are exposed to various types of touch, handling and sensation. This includes eyes, nose, inside mouth, around the collar, tummy, down back, pull tail, tug on ears, and tapping nails.
At 3 weeks we also begin socializing our puppies with different sounds, sights, textures, things to climb on, run through and more. We believe in empowering, not enabling our puppies. We set them up to conquer physical and mental challenges every day. By doing this, we build our puppies' nerve strength and confidence as well as help to develop their problem-solving skills. Our goal is to provide our puppies with a stable and enriching environment for the first 8 weeks of their lives.
Contact: Taylor Made Puppies | Taylor, UT | | Email: taylormadepuppiesutah@gmail.com
© 2021 - 2025, Taylor Made Puppies. All rights reserved. Website by Kindred Tails.